Sommaire :
Depuis 1997, date de sa création, Leonardo/Olats a fait porter une part importante de son activité sur la création artistique en lien avec l’espace extra-terrestre (astronomie et astronautique) notamment par le biais de workshops, et de colloques et conférences.
Ceci a donné lieu à la production d’un ensemble conséquent de textes que nous reprenons ici, listés par ordre alphabétique d’auteurs. La plupart de ces textes sont en anglais (la langue de travail du projet “art spatial” de Leonardo/Olats), cependant une partie non négligeable est bilingue anglais-français et quelques uns sont uniquement en français.
Cette section du site porte uniquement sur les textes issus des activités de Leonardo/Olats.
On trouvera dans la rubrique”Bibliographie” du projet Space Art and Science un ensemble plus large de références dont la liste des articles publiés dans la revueLeonardo, depuis “On the Visual Fine Arts in the Space Age” de Frank Malina paru en 1970.
Since its creation in 1997, a large part of Leonardo/Olats’s activity focused on artistic creation in relation with extraterrestrial space (astronomy and
astronautics), in particular through workshops, colloquiums and conferences.
Out of this came a substantial set of texts that we provide here, listed in alphabetical order of authors. Most of them are in English (the working language of Leonardo/Olats’s “space art” project), however a significant part is bilingual English-French and a few are only in French.
This section of the site only covers texts resulting from the activities of Leonardo/Olats.
You will find in the “Bibliography” section of the Space Art and Science project a broader set of references including the list of articles published in the journal Leonardo, since “On the Visual Fine Arts in the Space Age” by Frank Malina published in 1970.
Authors - Auteurs
Les textes sont listés par ordre alphabétique d’auteur / The texts are listed by
alphabetical order of authors
Adriaansens Alex – Que la Force soit avec Toi, 2003
colloque Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro : l’expérience des
vols paraboliques, en collaboration avec le festival @rt Outsiders, Paris
Adriaansens Alex – May the Force be with you, 2003
symposium Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. : the experience
of parabolic flights, in collaboration with the @rt Outsiders festival, Paris.
Almeida Teresa – New spaces for new bodies – or how to inflate your life, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Antunèz Roca Marcel-li – Transpermie : le projet Dédalo , 2003
colloque Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro : l’expérience des vols paraboliques, en collaboration avec le festival @rt Outsiders, Paris
Antunèz Roca Marcel-li – Transpermia – Dédalo Project, 2003
symposium Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. : the experience
of parabolic flights, in collaboration with the @rt Outsiders festival, Paris
Bernasconi Marco C. – Inflatable structure technologies & Arts in space : A synopsis, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Bernasconi Marco C. – Astronautics: The Only Ethical Future, 2006
conference Expanding the Space, in collaboration with the Octubre Centre de
Cultura Contemporania, and IAA, Valencia, Spain
Blassnigg Martha – Towards an Anthropology of Space, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest
Blassnigg Martha – Maps and the Cartography of Time andConsciousness , 2006
conference Expanding the Space, in collaboration with the Octubre Centre de
Cultura Contemporania, and IAA, Valencia, Spain
Boissonnet Philippe – De la Perception de la Terre-Mère à celle de laTerre-Enfant, 2006
conference Expanding the Space, in collaboration with the Octubre Centre de
Cultura Contemporania, and IAA, Valencia, Spain
Bureaud Annick – Space Art and beyond, 1997
workshop The Artists as Space Explorers, Boulogne-Billancourt
Bureaud Annick – Space Art: Defining a New Territory, 1998
workshop Space Art / Earth Art, Boulogne-Billancourt
Bureaud Annick – Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro.Les raisons d’un colloque, 2003
colloque Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro : l’expérience des
vols paraboliques, en collaboration avec le festival @rt Outsiders, Paris
Bureaud Annick – Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. TheReasons for a Symposium, 2003
symposium Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. : the experience
of parabolic flights, in collaboration with the @rt Outsiders festival, Paris
Bureaud Annick & Dubois Kitsou – The Embodiment of (Micro)Gravity.Kitsou Dubois’s Analogies : an Artistic and Aesthetic Experience, 2005
workshop Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts, in collaboration with
OURS Foundation, IAA and Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon, Switzerland
Burgess Lowry – “Prelude, Fugue, Choraal and Descant” on the “Releasement”Theme of Martin Heidegger: Linkages between Earth andSpace through “Zero Gravity”, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
– Burke James D., Dokbua Rungsak – Practical Opportunities for IncludingArt in Coming Lunar Programs, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
– Clar Richard, Fukuhara Tetsuro – New Butoh Space Dance: InterstellarMessage Composition, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
– Czegledy Nina, Jerram Luke – On the Aurora experience, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with
– Czegledy Nina – On Spatial Perception: Mapping the Earth – Charting theSky, 2006
conference Expanding the Space, in collaboration with the Octubre Centre de
Cultura Contemporania, and IAA, Valencia
– Dubois Kitsou – Corps, mouvement, danse et apesanteur, 2003
colloque Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro : l’expérience des
vols paraboliques, en collaboration avec le festival @rt Outsiders, Paris
– Dubois Kitsou – Body, movement, dance and weightlessness, 2003
symposium Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. : the experience
of parabolic flights, in collaboration with the @rt Outsiders festival, Paris
– Dubois Kitsou – Contact body — Object in Microgravity, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with ESA/ESTEC
//Attention, le texte suivant est le même que celui qui est sous mon nom + celui
de Kitsou plus haut//
– Dubois Kitsou & Bureaud Annick – The Embodiment of (Micro)Gravity.Kitsou Dubois’s Analogies : an Artistic and Aesthetic Experience, 2005
workshop Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts, in collaboration with
OURS Foundation, IAA and Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon
– Fishkin Vadim, Pàldi Livia – Kaplegraf Og (gouttes en orbite), 2003
colloque Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro : l’expérience des
vols paraboliques, en collaboration avec le festival @rt Outsiders, Paris
– Fishkin Vadim, Pàldi Livia – Kaplegraf 0g (drops orbits), 2003
symposium Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. : the experience
of parabolic flights, in collaboration with the @rt Outsiders festival, Paris
– Flow Motion (Anna Piva & Edward George) – Flow Motion : Là-bas, 2003
colloque Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro : l’expérience des
vols paraboliques, en collaboration avec le festival @rt Outsiders, Paris
– (Anna Piva & Edward George) –”Flow Motion,
symposium Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. : the experience
of parabolic flights, in collaboration with the @rt Outsiders festival, Paris
– Flow Motion (Anna Piva & Edward George) – Astro Black Morphologies:Music And Science Lovers, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with
– Fragra Tania – Earth and Space Sciences for Computer Art Works, 2005
workshop Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts, in collaboration with
OURS Foundation, IAA and Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon
– Marmor Kathy – Practices of seeing: a bird’s eye view, 2005
workshop Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts, in collaboration with
OURS Foundation, IAA and Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon
– Maugery Ariane and Le Lay Guy – Micro-gravity oddity: A Space Art and Science Genesis, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest
– Mautner Michael N. – Seeding the Universe with Life – Securing OurCosmological Future, 2005
workshop Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts, in collaboration with
OURS Foundation, IAA and Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon
– Michalou(di)s Ioannis – Aer( )sculpture. Using a Space Material as aSculptural Medium, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest
– Nemeth Attila – Putting the Science in Fiction (Vernian Traditions in 20thCentury Hungarian SF), 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest
– Osaka Takuro – The New Art Education on Environment of Microgravity – The new art education which is supported by engineering, psychology, and astronauts, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest
– Polli Andrea – Interpreting the Data Environment, 2005
workshop Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts, in collaboration with
OURS Foundation, IAA and Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon
– Pop Virgiliu – Space Exploration and Sacred Art, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest
– Dr Raitt David – Cultural and Artistic Events in Space: ESA’sPerspectives, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest
– Randerson Janine – Between Reason and Sensation: Antipodean Artistsand Climate Change, 2006
conference Expanding the Space, in collaboration with the Octubre Centre de
Cultura Contemporania, and IAA, Valencia
– Szathmary Kara – Visions of space: Artists’ Journey through the Cosmos, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest
Observatoire Leonardo des Arts et des Techno-Sciences
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Design Thierry Fournier
© Association Leonardo 1997-2022