Leonardo/Olats Podcasts

Audiolats : Des pastilles à sucer pour l’oreille
Dans le cadre de sa collaboration avec la plateforme Creative Disturbance Leonardo/Olats a créé Audiolats, une collection de pastilles sonores que nous avons poursuivie ensuite de manière indépendante.
Nous reprenons ici l’essentiel de ces podcasts. On trouvera d'autres podcasts depuis le site archives de Leonardo/Olats et les sites archives de certains projets comme Afrique Virtuelle/Virtual Africa.

Audiolats: Ear Candy
In the framework of its collaboration with the Creative Disturbance plateforme, Leonardo/Olats launched Audiolats, a sound bites series that we pursued independently.
We are collecting here the core of this podcasts production. More can be found from the Leonardo/Olats archive website or from the archives of some projects such as Afrique Virtuelle/Virtual Africa.

Space Art and Culture

> More-Than-Planet, Ocean Space Ocean, 2023

The “More-than-Planet, Ocean Space Ocean“conference series of podcasts based on a specially created deck of cards and questions.

> Global Periphery, 2022

The “Global Periphery” conference series of podcasts based on a specially created deck of cards and questions.

> All Women Crew, 2010

The “All Women Crew” workshop series of podcasts based on a specially created deck of cards and questions.

> Visions for the 21st Century, 2019

The “Visions for the 21st Century” workshop series of podcasts based on a specially created deck of cards and questions.

FEAT- Future Emerging Art and Technology

Trust Me, I'm an Artist

Rencontre avec - Meeting