Maison Malina Residency
Marit Mihklepp – April 11th – 25th 2022
Sommaire :
Marit Mihklepp’s practice is driven by the aim to bring more-than-human perspectives on an equal level with human experience.
In collaboration with Meredith Root-Bernstein, an ecologist and conservation scientist, CNRS researcher at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, her aim during this two-week residency is to explore the mound, heaps and piles of Paris and their complements, pits, holes and depressions. This research is based on both artistic and scientific field work methods and approaches.
Fieldwork Parc des Buttes-Chaumont
On that sunny Easter Saturday, 16th of April 2022, Marit and Meredith went to the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont for some fieldwork, looking for « piles ». They allowed me to join them. A few pictures —and comments— observing the observers. Annick Bureaud

First pile: Neatly stored under a tree, a small pile of what looks to me like ivy vines, largely dried out.

Taking notes about the first pile

This one pile, you can lift it

Barely noticeable, those dead branches are also very nicely put into a pile.

Although this pile seems pretty uninteresting to me, it deserved a video recording. I admit that I did not asked why.

This pile, although unreachable behind its gate, was certainly a very complex and interesting one. The various levels and components of this compost were drawing a landscape of its own.

Last pile to have been analyzed that day ...
I do not go often to the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont which I find way too artificial. In this respect, I prefer urban gardens that do not pretend to be wild nature reconstructed. When I go, I tend to pay attention to the people on the meadows and to the trees. This time, looking for « piles », my gaze was targetted to the ground, to the soil. Everywhere, on the trails and paths, on the meadows but also under the trees and bushes, it is spotless, absolute cleaness, not a single branch or leaf, or anything left unattended. This over tidyness, as if someone had vaccum-cleaned the entire park, creates an uneasyness. As if nature were not fully allowed here, its « organic trash » contained safely in a huge metallic trash bin, like the human plastic trash is in its own container.
I am grateful to Marit and Meredith for having included me into their field-research afternoon. Annick Bureaud
Marit Mihklepp and Meredith Root-Bernstein took part in a LASER Paris meeting on April 21st 2022.
Observatoire Leonardo des Arts et des Techno-Sciences
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