Cristian A. Zaelzer-Pérez

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Cristian A. Zaelzer-Pérez

Americas’ Dream

Montreal, Canada.
Scientist, Graphic Designer, Artist, Science communicator, and educator. Founder and President of the Convergence Initiative, Montreal, Canada. Research Associate at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre. Montreal, Canada. Part-time Faculty and Science-Art Advisor for the Faculty of Fine Arts of Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.

Fire flower, by Cristian Zaelzer-Pérez. Stained glass panel 37 x 44 cms made in Tiffany’s method of copper foil glass fragments joint with lead. Based in a thermography from a Philodendrom cannifolium originally from South America, Guyana. This plant is able to remarkably heat the center of its flowers to near 38C to trick beetles to claim in the flower and help to the pollination process.

Welcome to the North and South doors of the Americas, Bienvenue au Canada, Bienvenida a Chile. I am going to be your guide and give you some travel advice. First of all, we have to make sure that your documents are in order. Our continent is a delicately balanced community, and careless seeds can be a problem. But everybody is so excited about your visit. Maybe you already know that our Americas are a land of contrasts. Get ready to experience colours like no other place, and family members like you have never seen before. From the majestic sequoias connecting Earth and heaven to the humble a resilient deschampsia in the Antarctic fields. From the saguaros, arms rose to the sun in the dry desert, to the tillandsias, floating in the air feeding on jungle dreams. Cochayuyos in the ocean will make you reimagine forests while flavours inland will bedazzle you. I will bring you to the big plant’s metropolis, tropical and template jungles where it is impossible to see the sunlight. We will chat in infinite extensions of grassland and travel carried by the aromas of our beloved spices. We are so excited that you are here.